
December 18, 2007

Java Dial-up Networking Package For Windows

JDUN Download

JDUN provides a dial-up networking (DUN) Java interface for use with Windows operating systems. Microsoft™ remote access services (RAS) can be accessed such as enumerating DUN phonebook entries, dialing connections, and hanging up connections.

You can now add dial-up capabilities to your Java application with ease. JDUN also allows any type of connection provided through Windows Dial-up Networking. This includes modem, VPN, broadband, serial, parallel, and other connections.

JDUN provides the following functionality:

  • Create entry (dial-up, VPN, etc)
  • Edit entry
  • Delete entry
  • Rename entry
  • Get all entry names
  • Dial entry with defaults or override username / password / phone number
  • Dial non-entry (simple modem connection)
  • Hang up connection
  • Detect entry connection
  • Detect internet connection
  • Retrieve local IP and remote server IP from a PPP dial-up connection allowing the establishment of a socket connection